BEF Promotes Awareness on Gender Friendly Workplace

Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF), in collaboration with the ProGRESS Project of ILO, Country Office for Bangladesh, organized a daylong “Awareness Raising Session on Gender Friendly Environment at Workplace” on 19 September 2024 at Purbasha Training and Development Centre, Dighar kanda, Mymensingh. The session aimed to build awareness of both the employers and employees in the areas of Gender Equity, Gender Equality, Gender Demand, Gender Role and Gender Based Violence. Particular emphasis was given on the role of employers on gender issues in light of the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006.


Mr. Md. Moslem Uddin, Assistant Secretary General, Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF) acted as resource person. He welcomed the participants to the session and shared the objectives and expected outcomes of the event.


Mr. Kawsar Ahmed, Senior Official, Bangladesh Small & Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC), Mymensingh, chaired the inaugural session. The Special Guests present were Advocate Rafiqul Islam, Former DGM, Pubali Bank & President, National Association of Small and Cottage Industries of Bangladesh (NASCIB), Greater Mymensingh and Ms. Nurjahan Mitu, Vice President, NASCIB, Mymensingh. Ms. Masreka Khan, Programme Officer- Gender and Skills Policy, ILO Country Office for Bangladesh, attended the session as an observer. A total of 26 participants (Female-10, Male-16) including employers and employees from different industry sectors attended the event.

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