Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF), in collaboration with the ProGRESS Project of ILO, Country Office for Bangladesh, organized a daylong “Awareness Raising Session on Gender Friendly Environment at Workplace” on 25 September 2024 at Conference Hall, Chittagong Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CWCCI), Jahan Building, Agrabad, Chattogram. The objective of the session was to build awareness of both the employers and employees in the areas of Gender Equity, Gender Equality, Gender Demand, Gender Role and Gender Based Violence. The session particularly sought to explain & identify the role of employers on issues related to gender in accordance with the provisions of the Bangladesh Labour Act 2006.
Mr. Joha Jamilur Rahman, Head of Training, BEF acted as resource person. He facilitated the whole session using participatory methods. A summary of the discussion and way forward was offered by him. The event ended with a vote of thanks from ILO and CWCCI.
The Chief Guest, Ms. Luthmela Farid, Vice President, CWCCI, chaired the inaugural session with welcoming the participants to the session and sharing the objectives and expected outcomes of the same. The Special Guests present were Mr. G.A. Rayhan, CEO, CWCCI, Mr. Alexius Chicham, National Program Officer, ProGRESS Project of ILO and Mr. ANM Tanjel Ahsan, National Program Officer, ProGRESS Project of ILO. Representatives of the workers’ leaders have also taken part in the event. All the guests exchanged their views with the participants. A total of 25 participants (Female-07, Male-18) including Employers, Employees and Workers’ Leaders from different industry sectors like Tourism, Care, Agro and ICT, participated in the session.