Bangladesh Employers’ Federation (BEF), in collaboration with Feni Polytechnic Institute (FPI), with the support of the Skills 21 Project of ILO, Dhaka, organized and conducted a day-long Planning Workshop with FPI, Institutional Management Advisory Board (IMAB) and Employers Forum (EF) on 10 November 2022 at Conference Hall, FPI. Mr. Joha Jamilur Rahman, Senior Training Coordinator, BEF and Mr. Ruman Ishtiak Rafeen, SME Specialist, moderated the session. The objectives of the workshop were to develop a 1-year action plan for smooth operation of the institute, and support and give quality inputs to institutes to implement demand driven skills program as per local labor market needs. Mr. Mohammad Mainuddin Ahmed, President, Employers Forum, along with other members of the forum, and Mr. Farid Uddin Pathan, Vice-President, Feni Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Mr. Jalal Hazari, Workers representative and members of IMAB participated in the workshop. Engr. Pradipta Khisa, Principal, FPI was present as the host. A total of 28 representatives from institutes, government officials, local business chambers, employers and Feni journalist union participated in the workshop.